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Human Capital

How to improve factory maintenance—and retain frontline workers

April 18, 2024
Outdated legacy maintenance and inspection processes that these frontline workers must deal with are hurting companies.

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Podcast: What’s the latest in workplace safety?

In this new episode of Great Question, the editorial team of EHS Today, a sister brand to Smart Industry, discusses the latest news and developments concerning workplace safety...
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Digital Transformation

Making digitalization stick depends on human-centric approaches

In response to evolving industry trends and challenges, manufacturers must seek out solutions that link people, technologies, and data to expedite innovation and bring ideas to...
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Webinar rewind: Getting the ‘Ts’ to get along

Rewatch Kimberly Cornwell of Siemens and Tim Gaus of Deloitte helping Smart Industry figure out how technology people in OT and IT can bust barriers—by transcending job titles...
Process Innovation

Simulation, AI, and their roles in manufacturing's future

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Podcast: How reshoring is changing U.S. manufacturing

In this episode of Great Question, Rosemary Coates from the Reshoring Institute examines reshoring and nearshoring trends in 2024.

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Industry News

Report: Contracted tech workers paid less than regular IT staff

Analysis of “shadow workforce” by LA-based workplace equity technology firm Trusaic shows uneven compensation between regular staff in technology departments and contingent workers...