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Data Analytics

How advanced metering infrastructure is powering smarter operations

The AMI approach can balance supply and demand when usage data is available in real time/near real time or in short intervals.
H Fleet
Data Analytics

How beverage fleets can maximize uptime and efficiency with predictive maintenance

The most successful name-brand fleets are using pre-built predictive models to monitor a wide range of vehicle and engine-failure types and make proactive repairs.
H Data Collection
Data Analytics

Data-collection trends for 2023

"Adding a few of these data-collection points provides key insights and enables users to develop an appetite for the value of such data."
H Data
Data Analytics

Best practices for leveraging dashboards to visualize plant floor data

The phrases “Industry 4.0” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution” are overused and overhyped.Some companies even promise that huge investments in collecting all the data will “transform...
H Data
Data Analytics

INSIGHT Webinar Preview: Advice for avoiding dumb data

A quick fix to working more intelligently with data? Humans.
Data Analytics

The connectivity and interoperability of your data, itself, can make or break your digitalization

How an enterprise’s IT foundation is structured can be a critical enabler.
Advanced Control

Case Study: How Chevron used Uptake to transfer time-series data to the Azure cloud

Data is synchronized to Chevron’s data lake, ideal for analysis, trending, and updating at scale.
Data Analytics

Decentralizing data while making it “less dumb”

A centralized, top-down approach to data management and storage is a choke point.
Data Analytics

INSIGHT webinar preview: Winning the looming manufacturing war

"It’s your digital intelligence vs. your competitor’s digital intelligence."
Services Innovation

In a digital-first world, software quality is vital for modern manufacturing

Plus: Five trends that we believe will happen in the world of QA in the next three years.