
291754863 | Aleksei Gorodenkov | Dreamstime
Big Data

Metaverse, big data, and how AI can drive next-gen manufacturing

In industries such as manufacturing, the metaverse is one of the most discussed topics of next-gen digital technologies.
2559941 | Alexander Kataytsev | Dreamstime
Big Data

Livestream today: Taming data and no-nonsense ways to drive your digital transformation

Tune in at 11 a.m. ET on Smart Industry’s social media channels for this discussion on all-important accessibility of data featuring Marcel van Helten of Red Lion Controls and...
Big Data

Case Study: Cloud-based IoT supports complex control systems from anywhere

Data centers can save energy with refrigerant-side economizer systems, but IoT cloud connectivity is required.
IIoT Platforms

Capitalizing on the manufacturing data platform

Data is the biggest asset. You should treat it that way.
Advanced Control

Super data & bridging brownfield assets

"It is important to bridge the brownfield world to a new architecture leveraging open standards and broaden access to data."
Operational Strategist

How to eliminate manufacturing exceptions with an intelligent collaborative mechanism

There are promising applications of dynamic scheduling, but further research is needed to scale and scope this methodology.
Business Strategist

Using big data to remedy cloud wastage and unlock cloud optimization

"The more that complex big-data applications migrate to the cloud, the greater the likelihood of misallocation of resources."
Edge Devices

How to disrupt with IoT & edge computing

Insights from the edge fueling solutions for the edge.
Business Strategist

What's gonna happen? (You need to know.)

There is a powerful combination of data-recording, IIoT devices and edge-computing systems.
Business Strategist

Energy transformation on a global scale

A Q&A with energy experts from Wind River.
Big Data

COVID-19 & edge computing market growth

How the pandemic is prompting companies to develop real-time applications with enhanced connectivity.