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Product News: HiveMQ adds C# Client to open-source MQTT client libraries

April 6, 2023
Validated and performant MQTT client promises to fast-track IoT application-development cycles.

HiveMQ added a C# Client to the open-source HiveMQ MQTT Client Libraries. The new client appeals to any organization building IoT applications using the Microsoft .NET framework, extending the MQTT ecosystem with a reliable, performant and fully-supported client, per HiveMQ, which adds that all of the clients in the HiveMQ MQTT Client Libraries work with any MQTT broker to fast-track application development cycles and ensure long-term flexibility for IoT deployments. They note that users can quickly develop IoT applications using expertly built clients and deploy them rapidly.

“HiveMQ is dedicated to providing MQTT clients that are regularly tested and supported so companies can feel comfortable investing in them long-term,” said Dominik Obermaier, CTO and founder of HiveMQ. “We will continue to expand our MQTT client portfolio—we started with Java a few years ago, today released C#, and have exciting new clients in the works. The goal is to help our customers build IoT applications faster, and on the device side, help them migrate data from device to cloud seamlessly with MQTT.”

The HiveMQ MQTT C# client is available on GitHub under the liberal Apache 2 license, and community feedback and public contributions are welcome. Key features according to its maker include:

  • The ability to send an MQTT message in as little as three lines of code

  • Compliant with the MQTT 5 specification

  • Support for all MQTT Quality of Service (QoS) levels

  • Security features including TLS and basic authentication

  • Support for the latest Microsoft .NET Framework

  • Available as a NuGet package on NuGet.org

For more information visit the HiveMQ website, or download the new HiveMQ MQTT C# client on GitHub or the .Net NuGet package directory.