In a few weeks, Ecolab Nalco Water’s Julie Lindley presents on water-scarcity and big data
at the third-annual Smart Industry Conference in Chicago. Today she shares her thoughts on the promising relationship between data and H2O. Take a look…
Smart Industry: The technology exists to support the transformation to zero-discharge use of water. What is the disconnect between the tools and the data/insight?
Julie: Industrial customers are all over the spectrum with respect to the amount of online data they have. For those who have the data, many struggle to translate it to insights. There is too much data and people don’t always know what it means. Companies need to combine the data with the right subject-matter experts to get to the insights and also drive the actions to close that loop and generate value.
Smart Industry: Provide an example of a data-dependent water-management solution that allows for reuse and recycling.
Julie: Ecolab’s 3D TRASAR Technology uses sensors to detect the current water quality, determine the right chemical dosage and deliver the right quality to allow a customer to recycle water in industrial water systems.
Smart Industry: What’s an example of a data benchmark in the field of water-management?