SADA Systems and Collins Engineers launch asset-management tool

Jan. 9, 2017
Enables streamlined management and analysis of structures, roadways and field personnel.

SADA Systems and Collins Engineers have collaborated to create Atom, a cloud-based application for managing regional transportation-specific assets that they are demonstrating this week at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Most city and state transportation departments don’t have a single solution for managing structural assets and field staff, which limits the ability of supervisors and dispatchers to monitor asset status, oversee projects, assign personnel and analyze risk. Atom solves this problem, according to its creators,  by aggregating data on assets and resources in a SaaS application that includes analytics and reporting tools. Using Google Maps technology, supervisors/dispatchers can visualize location data across departments simultaneously, helping them make smart, real-time decisions on things like scheduling, routing, budget-allocation and asset viability.

Primary components of the Atom application include:

  • Inventory--The Inventory portal enables users to view items associated with their inventories.
  • Maps--Atom enables agencies to access and visualize data including assets, staff and projects across multiple departments using a customizable and interactive map.
  • Work Order--The Work Order portal creates transparency through the lifecycle of a project by managing work orders and tasks assigned to individuals or teams.
  • Risk--The Risk portal enables a centralized location where critical risk factors of assets can be displayed, simplifying the decision process by reducing the need of multiple sources of data reports for various factors.
  • Analytics--The Analytics portal in Atom empowers users to make decisions by viewing the massive amounts of data across multiple platforms into one single display.
  • Schedule--Work can be viewed daily, weekly or monthly as well as per asset, team or individual in order to create scheduling efficiencies throughout the organization.
  • Teams--The Teams portal of Atom displays filtered information regarding employees, including their associated activities, teams, divisions, status and other background information.
  • Public Usage--Atom’s public portal enables real-time information to be shared with the public through a direct-access URL.

“There are a lot of inefficiencies in asset management and we saw an opportunity to help not only government agencies, but any related organization that needs to manage large volumes of dynamic assets and keep them well-maintained,” says Tony Safoian, CEO at SADA Systems. “With Atom, clients will not only realize a significant cost savings from streamlined processes, but more efficient spending from risk-based prioritization of work orders.”

“Atom is a fantastic tool to help field staff view real-time asset data and job information to streamline their day while helping managers keep track of high volumes of public assets,” says Dan Cecchi, P.E., president at Collins Engineers. “Atom also has the potential to save tax dollars and improve public safety, concerns shared by both taxpayers and government officials.”