Sciemetric Instruments Inc. has released a cost-effective turnkey station to boost the speed and accuracy of leak testing. The Model 3675 can combine up to three of Sciemetric’s 3520 Series Leak Test units in one stand, controlled by a single sigPOD controller, and can be used to conduct a range of leak tests, including pressure decay and mass flow, with pressure or vacuum.
It can be used in production, in a lab or wherever leak testing must be conducted.
“Discrete manufacturers across various industries now recognize the need for their leak test to deliver more value,” said Mat Daniel, Sciemetric’s vice president of operations. “They understand the role that a fast, reliable test solution plays in meeting a new standard for quality assurance, and how big data analytics collected from that test bring new insight to their decision making. But there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. With our Model 3675, we are giving our customers more choice and more scalability, to make the right investment, at the right time, in a better leak test.”
View the Model 3675 datasheet to learn more.