Nodle M1 device
wearable contact-tracing device, the Nodle M1, which tracks distance and buzzes employees to let them know when they are too close to one another. The Nodle M1, available later this year, can be clipped to an employee’s shirt or badge, or worn as a necklace. The device leverages parts of the open sourceWhisper Tracing Protocol and is interoperable with theCoalition App, the privacy-first contact tracing application developed by the Coalition Network.
“In recent conversations with government officials and large enterprises, we realized the dire need for privacy-preserving contact tracing smart devices that can work independently, and without the need for a smartphone,” said Micha Benoliel, Nodle co-founder & CEO. “We’ve already received interest from large enterprises in the US and Europe for several million units and Avnet has the experience necessary to scale the production of these wearables in record time.”
“The Nodle M1 will be a valuable tool for businesses as we continue the fight against COVID-19 because it enables employers to quickly notify anyone who may have potentially been exposed to the virus in the workplace,” added Bill Amelio, Avnet CEO. “By leveraging the Avnet ecosystem to accelerate Nodle’s ability to deliver this device, we’re able to quickly bring to market a solution that prioritizes employee safety while enabling business continuity.”