1660252826847 Siblogrittalbusbar

Power Distribution Systems Fit for the International Marketplace

May 19, 2015

Busbar power distribution systems can provide increased flexibility, safety and ability to reduce overall design and integration costs when compared to “traditional” block-and-cable power distribution solutions.

Increasing globalization has led many designers of industrial control systems to move toward design techniques, electrical components and integration methods that are readily accepted worldwide. Busbar power distribution systems are common throughout the world and are rapidly gaining broader acceptance in North America due to their flexibility, safety and ability to reduce overall design and integration costs. 

Busbar systems provide a highly organized, economical way to distribute power and can reduce the overall costs associated with the design and integration of control panels. By using these systems rather than a “traditional” block-and-cable solution, you can simplify the process of deployment into various worldwide markets and create a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

A paper from Rittal examines the benefits that a busbar system can provide to designers, integrators and end-users of industrial control panels, including:

  • Efficient layout and simplified bills of material for control panels
  • Ability to distribute power consistently for a wide range of system loads
  • Streamlined design to shipment due to internationally certified components  

The white paper, “The Benefits of Busbar Power Distribution Systems for North American & Global Applications,” can be downloaded from our Content Library