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Quick Take: IWIM's Lisa Graham of Seeq

July 29, 2019
How are you influencing the next generation of manufacturing leaders?

Quick Take: How are you influencing the next generation of manufacturing leaders?

Lisa Graham, VP of analytics engineering with Seeq and a 2019 Influential Woman in Manufacturing

“I firmly believe that we should be measured not by what we accomplish alone, but also by what we inspire others to accomplish. Through my career path and volunteer activities, I aim to encourage and influence the future leaders working with me today, along with those on their journey through the education system. Through my actions, I strive to

Seeq's Lisa Graham

influence by fostering active listening and mentoring, teaching agile processes and demonstrating inclusive leadership.

As VP of analytics engineering at Seeq Corp., my responsibility is to grow and inspire our large industry-facing team, roughly half female. Together, the entire team works across industries to provide data analytics and workflow solutions that are moving manufacturing into the Industry 4.0 era. Our team is already shaping how manufacturing is being reimagined today, and I look forward to seeing the positive ripple effects of our contributions tomorrow.

To further close the industry-academia gap, I also volunteer in ways that strengthen the bond among education, innovation and manufacturing. Through chairing the Oregon Institute of Technology board of trustees and supporting industry-academic ventures, I have teamed with others to directly improve the education of our manufacturing leaders of tomorrow.”

Find more about Lisa and all Influential Women in Manufacturingand learn about the upcoming IWIM luncheonright here.