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INSIGHT Webinar Preview: A closer look at hyperconnectivity

March 8, 2023
"We define hyperconnectivity as the ability to connect every machine, process or application that's generating useful data to the enterprise or the cloud."

In a few weeks, we connect with Ravi Subramanyan, HiveMQ director of manufacturing industry solutions for the Spring INSIGHT webinar "Achieving Seamless Hyperconnectivity and Scalability in Your Smart Factory." Today we preview that presentation with a brief chat about hyperconnectivity. Take a look...

Smart Industry: How do you define hyperconnectivity?Ravi: In the world of Industrial IoT, we define hyperconnectivity as the ability to connect every machine, process or application that's generating useful data to the enterprise or the cloud. This allows OT to connect with IT systems in a scalable and reliable manner to enable digital transformation and Industry 4.0 use cases.Smart Industry: What are a few features of a strong data foundation? What does this enable?Ravi: We talk about a data-maturity model, which is essentially a triangle that has data collection and availability as the foundation upon which are based the advanced data use cases such as digitization, big data, AI and machine learning. Without a strong data foundation, none of these are possible.Smart Industry: What proper future-proofing most commonly protect against?Ravi: Some of the common challenges in factory setups are connectivity/infrastructure limitations, data silos, security vulnerabilities, heterogeneous systems, legacy architectures, multi-vendor/multi-protocol setups and overly complex architectures. Future-proofing factories with a robust foundation ensures that we are able to overcome these issues.

Want more with Ravi? Click here to register for the INSIGHT webinar.