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Product News: Banner Engineering’s SmartSolutions business unit

Sept. 15, 2020
Offers full suite of IIoT productivity kits for industrial engineers.

Banner Engineering launched a new business unit, SmartSolutions, featuring easy-to install, integrated and customizable IIoT kits of their award-winning sensors, wireless solutions, and LED lighting. The kits, combined with integrated software, immediately bring predictive monitoring and maintenance data

Banner Engineering's SmartSolutions at work

online, according to their maker, which notes that the sensors establish a baseline and quickly identify areas for preventive repairs, bottlenecks in process, or other risks to overall equipment effectiveness.

 “Companies interested in capturing the value of Industry 4.0 are wary of huge, enterprise-wide commitments or lengthy consulting engagements,” said Ty Fayfield, CEO of Banner Engineering. “SmartSolutions combines industrially-engineered products in the best possible way to pilot a concept, establish savings and success, and scale with complete confidence in both the equipment and the manufacturer.”

SmartSolutions has formed a team of IIoT product experts to develop product combinations for industrial productivity. The team relied on customer feedback to help shape features of the kits, including simple setup, intuitive reporting dashboard configurability, and scalability. The kits typically pay for themselves in a matter of weeks, according to Banner, as each reduces expenses, improves efficiency, and monitors equipment to prevent downtime, costly repairs, or waste.

“These kits are just the start of our end-to-end product solutions,” said Fayfield. “Our solutions are integrating hardware, cloud software, and cellular technologies to get customers online in a matter of minutes,” said Fayfield. “We are eliminating the integration of multiple technologies and the complexity of getting your assets online.”

The SmartSolutions kits are available through a national network of Banner Engineering distributors, as well as the Banner Engineering website.