1660343886552 Unilever

Connected-worker platform to drive plant productivity

July 17, 2017
"I want our plant to be an exemplar."
Parsable announced the general availability of the success story for its implementation
at a key Unilever plant. Parsable's enterprise SaaS platform helps companies transform paper-based work instructions into digital business processes, reducing production line downtime, supporting real-time collaboration and communications, improving the cycle time of core processes, and providing deep insight for continuous improvement, according to its maker. Parsable allows humans to provide the same continuous signal as IoT devices.

The plant now collects over 30,000 new data points daily to analyze for continuous improvement. This insight has led to a 50% decrease in startup, shutdown, and changeover times, according to Parsable. Additionally, Operational Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) has increased by 4%. The plant is also almost completely paperless as Parsable's platform and mobile apps digitized 85% of plant operating procedures in the first 4 months of operations. 

The Unilever plant has equipped employees with Parsable-enabled smartphones and tablets to access and execute procedures, collaborate in real-time, and continuously monitor work and results. Employees have access to digital tools like text, audio, photos and videos to help them collaborate, and react when unforeseen circumstances arise. Newer employees are benefitting from step-by-step guidance and instructional videos, while team leaders are receiving real-time reporting on work in progress to identify issues and bottlenecks.

"I want our plant to be an exemplar, not just at Unilever but in our industry. This means

Unilever Mexico's Jaime Urquidi

operating faster, safer, and more efficiently," said Jaime Urquidi, factory director at Unilever. "I've implemented a lot of processes, procedures and technology over my career, but I have never worked with a solution as immediately transformational as Parsable. This facility has taken operations to the next level and Parsable has been and will continue to be a huge part of this step change in our productivity and results." 

The Unilever success story is available here.