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Upcoming Event: 2023 CSIA Executive Conference

March 24, 2023
Lineup addresses economy, extreme leadership, disruptors and retaining talent.

Four keynote speakers will anchor the educational programming for the 2023 Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) Executive Conference, May 15-19, in New Orleans, bringing unique perspectives and a wealth of experience.

Alex Chausovsky, Economic and Labor Market Update

A highly experienced market researcher and analyst with more than 20 years of expertise across subjects including economics, industrial manufacturing, automation, talent and workforce issues, and advanced technology trends. His presentation will deliver practical and actionable advice designed to help business leaders plan for future economic conditions and elevate their organization's talent strategy.

J.P. Dinnell, Extreme Ownership for Business & Life

A former US Navy SEAL and now a leadership instructor, speaker and strategic advisor with Echelon Front, where he serves as chief training officer. His keynote will bring his exceptional experience and frontline leadership perspective from the winning mindset and culture of Task Unit Bruiser to Executive Conference attendees.

Mike Maddock, The Questions Disruptors Ask Themselves

Keynote speaker, a best-selling author, and a CEO coach. In a keynote based on his best-selling book "Plan D," Mike focuses on the unexpected, replicable and generative questions enlightened leaders learn to ask themselves and their teams to reveal new opportunities others often miss.

Lisa Ryan, Integrating Engagement Strategies: How to Keep Your Top Talent from Becoming Someone Else's

Best-selling author and award-winning speaker Lisa Ryan will examine the specific issues they face in attracting and retaining top talent in a post-pandemic workplace. Attendees will leave the session with actions they can use immediately for personal and professional gain.

"We are excited to have such distinguished speakers as part of the CSIA Executive Conference," said the CSIA CEO Jose Rivera-Willeke. "Their expertise and insights will provide valuable knowledge to our members and attendees, and we look forward to hearing their presentations. We want to ensure people walk away with actionable advice, thought-provoking ideas and an energized attitude.”

 For more information about the 2023 Executive Conference, visit www.controlsys.org/conference2023.