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McKinsey launches Digital Capability Center at DMDII

June 7, 2017
Facility helps companies prep for jobs of tomorrow.
McKinsey & Company and the Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII), a UI LABS collaboration, announced the launch of the North American Digital Capability Center (DCC), a digital manufacturing learning center offering company
leaders and their workforces hands-on experience and workshops in next-generation technology to help them advance their operations, design and productivity.

“Digital manufacturing will disrupt every business in every industry, pushing leaders to reinvent their operations and retrain their workforces,” said Enno de Boer, McKinsey partner and digital manufacturing leader. “The North American Digital Capability Center joins McKinsey’s global network of 15 Model Factories, which bring together more than 15,000 leaders every year to ask and solve their businesses’ toughest questions around transformative technological change and the benefits their companies and workers can recognize from the latest digital technologies.”

The North American DCC brings McKinsey’s experience in digital manufacturing, automation and business transformation to Chicago, at the crossroads of America’s manufacturing base. It aims to not only help America’s leading manufacturers adapt to new technologies but also to help the next generation grow--preparing smaller and mid-size companies to innovate, while nurturing start-ups.

The facility offers:

Digital showcases: Over time, companies will be able to explore more than 20 themes related to digital manufacturing, including showcases dedicated to digital performance management, digital standard work, predictive maintenance, wearables and augmented reality.

Experiential capability-building workshops: Leaders from companies of all sizes can sign up for one-day workshops designed to build awareness of digital manufacturing, and managers and their teams can take advantage of multi-day workshops to equip them with necessary skills to undertake digital transformations within their organizations.

The DCC mock line transforms in stages from a current, non-digitized line into a higher-performing, digitally driven production line of the future that includes advanced analytics, augmented reality and digital assistance for the operators. In the coming months, it will include collaborative robots (cobots) and artificial intelligence.

The DCC is digitally connected to four additional McKinsey DCC’s in Singapore, Aachen (Germany), Beijing (China), and Venice (Italy). The Chicago-based McKinsey and DMDII partnership benefits from the collaboration of more than 300 manufacturers, technology companies, academic institutions and other organizations dedicated to bringing manufacturing enterprises into the 21st century.

“Access to the necessary tools and training is essential for US manufacturers to benefit from the rapid technological change currently underway,” said Thomas McDermott, executive director of DMDII. “Housing the North American Digital Capability Center at DMDII--a neutral collaboration platform--ensures companies of all sizes can tap into the resources they need to adopt advanced manufacturing technologies and remain competitive on the global stage.”

The technologies featured at the DCCs are provided by a growing list of technology partners that bring to life the benefits of digital manufacturing through a functioning production line that makes refrigerator compressors. Microsoft, a partner, enabled advanced analytics capabilities like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning using a Microsoft Azure hyper-scale cloud platform along with Hololens and Surface Hubs to power industrial applications such as digital performance management, predictive maintenance and augmented reality for field force. Tulip, another partner, has created a technology ecosystem to provide digital operator assistance, analytics and feedback across the assembly line. Additional contributors include OSIsoft, Scope AR and equipment donor Bulova Technologies Machinery LLC.