Product News: SafeAI’s OS for autonomous heavy equipment

Sept. 13, 2021
Promises to accelerate the adoption of off-road autonomy with comprehensive, safety-certifiable operating platform.

SafeAI announced the release of the SafeAI Autonomous Framework (SAF), the first operating system built specifically for autonomous heavy equipment, they claim. With the SAF, companies can leverage both SafeAI’s trusted infrastructure and industry expertise to accelerate their autonomous application development and create safer, more productive job sites faster than ever. 

The SAF promises production-ready infrastructure to help companies fast-track their application development and accelerate their transition to autonomy. 

The SAF is the world’s first comprehensive, safety certifiable operating system purpose-built for heavy industry applications of autonomy, per SafeAI. It’s designed with the capabilities required for the development and deployment of autonomous applications, including high portability and reliability to ensure ease of use and functionality. Written in accordance with both MISRA (C:2021 and C++:2008) and AUTOSAR coding standards, the SAF can support various compilers and OS, and can be utilized in embedded and real-time environments. With the SAF, SafeAI lowers barriers—both technological and resource-related—to autonomy, enabling companies to save up to four years of development time and the millions of dollars it would take to build their own operating systems, its maker notes.

“We’ve proven the impact autonomous solutions can have for industries like construction and mining, and we know this is the direction the industry is heading,” said Bibhrajit Halder, founder & CEO of SafeAI. “But not every company has the resources, bandwidth and expertise to deploy autonomy as quickly as they’d like—and that’s where the SAF comes in. In the same way that operating systems have propelled development in industries like on-road autonomy and unmanned aviation, SAF will shave years off development timelines to move this industry forward in a meaningful way.”