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Artificial Intelligence

Your competitors are using AI. Why risk falling behind them?

April 24, 2024
From a CIO and self-described “technologist” comes real use cases for this breakthrough technology with many industrial applications like tailoring individualized customer portals...

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Podcast: Say goodbye to 'robot wranglers'

In this episode of Great Question, Michael Bearman of Vecna explores how to solve robot issues remotely without local intervention from humans.
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Navigating red-alert security challenges in manufacturing

Cyber threats have evolved into a formidable adversary, targeting the factory floor with relentless precision.

Podcast: Generative AI on the plant floor

In this episode of Great Question, Dale Tutt and Aaron Merkin discuss whether manufacturers will be supported by AI or become dependent on it.
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In reader survey, wide majority worries about OT vulnerabilities

Informal email poll of visitors to Smart Industry mirrors a February release of results from wider research that showed concern among over 1,000 security professionals about the...
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Human Capital

How to improve factory maintenance—and retain frontline workers

Outdated legacy maintenance and inspection processes that these frontline workers must deal with are hurting companies.

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Industry News

Report: Contracted tech workers paid less than regular IT staff

Analysis of “shadow workforce” by LA-based workplace equity technology firm Trusaic shows uneven compensation between regular staff in technology departments and contingent workers...